1917 My Own Fairy Book : Andrew Lang : Scarce Dust Jacket : Illustrated Tales
1917 My Own Fairy Book : Andrew Lang : Scarce Dust Jacket : Illustrated Tales
My Own Fairy Book
By Andrew Lang
Illustrated by gordon Browne, T. Scott and E. A. Lemann
Published by H.M. Caldwell Company, New York and Boston, undated, circa 1917 (inscription to inside board dated 1917). First Thus. Hardback book with scarce original dust jacket, beautiffuly stamped pictorial cloth binding, ix + 259pp. Illustrated with b&w plates and with numerous drawings in text.
Adventures of Prince Prigio
Prince Ricardo
The Gold of Fairnilee.
A very good copy indeed! The original dust jacket is in excellent condition with just a little nibbling to the top of the spine and corners but with no tears. The cloth binding is in fine condition being protected by the jacket. Previous owner's inscription inside with date. No tears or odors.